Channel: Diego Sucaria
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Configurando un Reverse Proxy con Apache

Un Proxy es un servicio que actúa como intermediario entre una comunicación del tipo Cliente-Servidor. Mientras que un proxy normal (Forward Proxy) hace que un servidor no te contacte directamente,...

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Resource management strategy for docker containers on Kubernetes (nodejs +...

It seems simple, but it is not. How to properly assign resources requirements and limits to a HTTP dockerized microservice running on kubernetes? Good question, right? Well, as you can imagine there is...

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Running php-fpm and nginx processes in the same container with supervisord

Yes, I know…. containers are not meant to be used like this, running two processes within a single container. Ideally, one container runs only one process. But, what if we want to have php-fpm + nginx...

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Microservices contract and versioning

What is it? Why is it important? This is a series of posts I’m doing about designing microservices. Keep posted I will link them up when they are all ready! When you are designing a microservices...

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Service Mesh comparison – Istio vs LinkerD

What is a service mesh? A service mesh is in charge of managing the network traffic between the services. It does it in a more automated and scalable way compared to otherwise what it would take a lot...

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Handling batch operations with REST APIs

So, you created your REST API following the best practices, named your endpoints accordingly, used the correct HTTP verbs and everything is working well. For example, you create users by making a POST...

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Microservices architecture – orchestrator, choreography, hybrid… which...

So you want to build microservices, you have identified the properly isolated domains and boundaries for each one of them and now it’s time to find out how to make them interact with each other… Now is...

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Multi-tenant cloud architectures. How to make a decision?

In this post, I want to show you two different cloud architectures for multi-tenancy. It doesn’t matter if you are planning to have a SaaS product with millions of tenants or just a handful of them, it...

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How to access a Private EKS Cluster from your local machine without a VPN

There are many ways to access a Kubernetes private cluster. My preferred way is the GKE one, on which the API endpoint is public but you whitelist your machine to be able to connect to it. You can do...

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Shrink a VM boot disk size on GCP without losing any data

Shrink a GCP VM boot disk without data loss by attaching it to a temporary instance and resizing the filesystem and partition. La entrada Shrink a VM boot disk size on GCP without losing any data...

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